International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology <p><strong> ISSN: 2675-2883</strong></p> <p>The <strong>International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology</strong> is an <strong>interdisciplinary journal publishing biannual</strong>, linked to the Postgraduate Program of Technology, Environment and Society of the Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys (PPGTAS / UFVJM).</p> <p>We accept manuscripts in English, Portuguese or Spanish. We receive <strong>submissions in continuous flow</strong>. Publications occur in April and October of each year. The manuscript must not have been published in another magazine that is completely unpublished.</p> <p>The journal covering the following areas: Geology, Geophysics, Geography, Geotechnics, Environment and Environmental Resources, Geological and Environmental Hazards, Engineering, Rock and Soil Mechanics, Structures, Rock and Mineral Geochronology, Ecological Materials, Alternative Concrete, Sanitation, Urban Planning, Alternative Energy, Chemistry, Quantitative Methods, Climate Change, Public Policy, Economic Policies, Agrarian Sciences, Forest Policy, Geoprocessing, Geomorphology, Geodesy, Topography, Petrology and Mineralogy, Groundwater and Water Resources.</p> <p><strong><span lang="en" tabindex="0">Atenttion: Accepting articles. <em>The deadline is March 31 for the April edition </em></span></strong><span lang="en" tabindex="0"><em>and</em></span><strong><span lang="en" tabindex="0"><em> September 30 for the October edition </em></span></strong><span lang="en" tabindex="0"><em>o</em></span><span lang="en" tabindex="0"><em>f each year.</em></span></p> Programa de Pós Graduação em Tecnologia, Ambiente e Sociedade (PPGTAS) da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM) en-US International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2675-2883 <p>All articles published in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.</p> Soil-structure interaction applied to anchored retaining wall - geotechnical and structural analysis <p style="text-align: justify;">The present paper has as its theme the geotechnical and structural analysis of anchored retaining wall into account the soil-structure interaction (SSI) and is based on a real case study. The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence that the consideration of the horizontal reaction coefficient (considering the Winkler hypothesis) on the wall/soil interface has on the requesting efforts, displacements mobilized in the wall and, consequently, on the structural design of the curtain. The analyzes showed that the variations of the horizontal reaction coefficient of the soil imply substantial variations of bending moments (around 30%), bending reinforcement armor (35% approximately) and displacements mobilized in the wall (950% approximately), results of redistribution of internal efforts, since the soil is no longer considered as an unshakable massif - a realistic design situation. Other aspects evaluated were: punching shear at the wall/anchor head interface and progressive collapse. The results obtained in the present work evidenced the importance of each of the analyzes and reinforced the need of the interface between the structural and geotechnical designers in the containment designs, treating the wall/anchor/soil assembly as the only one.</p> Armando Belato Pereira Thiago Bomjardim Porto Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-10-31 2020-10-31 2 1 1 13 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.379 A comparative analysis between the Geostatistics and Machine Learning methods for mineral resource estimation <p style="text-align: justify;">It is presented in this article two methods for estimating minerals resources. The first one is well known in the literature of mining engineering, it is called Ordinary Kriging, which is one of most used algorithms in Geostatistics to deal with regionalized variables. The second one is not yet so popular to be used for estimating minerals resources, although its applicability to be very effective for this task. This method is called Random Forests, which is an algorithm of Machine Learning. Thus, its analysis will focus on the construction procedure of block models of a copper mineral deposit using both methodologies.</p> Ricardo Alves da Silva Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-10-31 2020-10-31 2 1 14 22 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.380 Variation of compressive strength in colored concrete traces in the city of Teófilo Otoni in the State of Minas Gerais <p style="text-align: justify;">This work analyzed the variation of strength and workability of concrete traces with inorganic pigment based on iron oxide with levels varying in 3%, 5% and 6% in the city of Teófilo Otoni- MG. 27 specimens were manufactured, submitted to consistency and compression tests with ages of rupture of 7, 14 and 28 days. Colored concrete is a type of exposed concrete, characterized by dispensing with the application of coatings in buildings. Three strokes T1, T2 and T3 were defined with theoretical compressive strength fck of 18 MPa, 25 MPa and 40 MPa at 28 days respectively. The best results were obtained by the T1P3, T2P3 and T3P3 lines with the addition of 3% pigment in both tests. Significant resistance gains were observed at 7 and 14 days and a reduction at 28 days, at 7 days the gains were about 65% for T1P3, 60% for T2P3 and 82% for T3P3 in relation to theoretical resistance. The colored line that obtained the greatest resistance was T3P3, reaching a fck of 43.09 MPa at 14 days and the worst was T3P6 with 25.97MPa at 28 days. In the slaughter tests it was noted that the best workability was obtained with the addition of 3% being 4.5; 4.2 and 8.3 and it was observed that as the addition content increased, the measure of abatement of the mixture was reduced. The most recommended application for application in colored concrete, whose compressive strength was the closest to the theoretical values and the workability of the mixtures were better.</p> Gisele Monteiro de Sousa Cibele Aparecida de Moraes Rocha Antônio Jorge de Lima Gomes Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-10-31 2020-10-31 2 1 23 31 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.381 Study on the susceptibility to desertification of the Mucuri River Basin in Minas Gerais, Brazil <p style="text-align: justify;">Desertification is a process composed of natural and anthropic agents, its intensity and speed of development has increased in some regions due to changes in climate patterns, different ways of life and a bigger exploitation of natural resources. Therefore, an analysis of the desertification susceptibility in the Mucuri River Basin, in Minas Gerais, Brazil, was made through this study. A bibliographic revision was made about the subject to determine the theoretical and methodological procedures to be used, concepts of geoprocessing and its mapping tools were used during the analysis. The following attributes were adopted: slope, soil type, erosivity, vegetation cover and aridity. The results show areas with low and medium environmental susceptibility to erosion and desertification. It is concluded that the degradation of the Mucuri River Basin in Minas Gerais must be monitored and studied more attentively, so that the region does not face more severe economic and social problems.</p> André Rodrigo Brito Alves Maciel Francisco César Dalmo Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-11-01 2020-11-01 2 1 32 41 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.382 Transmission System for a baja vehicle SAE BRASIL <p style="text-align: justify;">SAE BRASIL is a program that holds contests where students are encouraged to apply and develop their knowledge in the engineering area. One of its modalities is the baja, which consists of a kind of all-terrain vehicle. In order to improve performance in these competitions, and obtain trophies, this work aims to assemble a transmission system that better adheres to the prototype in a competitive way, guaranteeing the vehicle a good tractive capacity, and a good maximum speed, thus surpassing the old prototype BE-O8, this taking into account the financial and bureaucratic conditions. This system is basically composed of a 19 briggs &amp; stratton series engine, CVT (continuously variable transmission), a pair of CVs, and a transfer box, which when together are also called the power train. Thus, based on the methodology and analysis of the data, it was possible to develop a vehicle better than BE-08 reaching the design premise.</p> João Victor Garcia Freitas Joérbia Maria Pereira dos Santos Maicon Del Piano Pedro Augusto Barbosa Santos Vinícius Antônio Campos Souza Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-11-01 2020-11-01 2 1 42 45 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.383 Evolution of Social, Sanitation and Public Health Indicators Related to the quality of water <p style="text-align: justify;">With the change in the last decades of the Brazilian model of water management by Law 9.433/1997 of the National Water Resources Management Plan, the national system began to qualitatively evaluate, in addition to quantitatively, the issues related to Water Resources. New approaches to environmental, sanitation, and public health demands began to be part of the new model and thus a broad yet timely interface were established in water planning. The present article sought to compare social and public health indicators, such as the main diseases, with indicators of basic sanitation and those related to water quality, at national level and taking into account a historical series of data, as base year 2.000. From the analysis, it was verified that the improvement in the living conditions of the population was directly related to the water quality in the supply and collection of sanitary sewage, and a decrease of indicators when analyzed the historical series.</p> André Fonseca Viegas Ícaro Alves Ramiro Antenor Oliveira Cruz Júnior Alexandre Sylvio Vieira da Costa Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-11-01 2020-11-01 2 1 46 54 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.384 Study of alternative containment for an unstable rail slope in the state of Pará - Brazil <p style="text-align: justify;">Studies on landfill containment, which support structures like a railroad, still have restricted alternatives in Brazil. In 2016, in the state of Pará/ Brazil, the construction of a railway was completed. In the following year, cracks were observed on the crest of the embankment slope. The objective was to evaluate, based on geotechnical investigation, the best engineering solution to contain the instability of the slope under study, through a containment solution. From this study, to cover stability, a retaining wall can be built as a solution, which represents the best cost of implementation and maintenance during the useful life of the asset. It is also suggested that periodic technical inspections be carried out on the surface of the access road and on the sides of the railway platform.</p> Cléber Moreira de Almeida Guilherme Jorge Brigolini Silva Thiago Bomjardim Porto Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-11-01 2020-11-01 2 1 55 62 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.385 Evaluation of the distribution of sanitation among the federative units of Brazil <p style="text-align: justify;">Sanitation is an essential part for human physical, physiological and mental development. It is a public health action, but it is also involved in economic and environmental aspects. The universalization of sanitation is an objective outlined within the National Basic Sanitation Plan, with a goal of serving until the year 2033, but under which there is inefficient investment management. Understanding how sanitation is distributed in the country is a way of assessing what, how and where each part of public sanitation policies works. Data collected through the SNIS suggest greater assistance for sanitation infrastructure in regions with a higher population density and in large commercial and industrial centers, as well as greater investments destined to these areas, mainly the south and southeast regions. The northern and northeastern regions, on the other hand, have the greatest lack of water supply and sanitary sewage, and the least expectation of investments.</p> Heberson Teixeira da Silva Luély Souza Guimarães Caio Soares Chaves Gerdson das Graças Coelho Júnior Alexandre Sylvio Vieira da Costa Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-11-01 2020-11-01 2 1 63 71 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.386 Compressive strength in simple and colored concrete specimens in the city of Teófilo Otoni <p style="text-align: justify;">This work deals with the comparison of the compressive strength in 4 concrete mixes and rupture of 36 specimens in the city of Teófilo Otoni. The first concrete trace was of&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the conventional type and the other three used colored additives in the percentages 3%, 5% and 6%. After curing, axial compression tests were performed on the tests at the ages of 7, 14 and 28 days. Through the disruptions, we can see that the concrete results that obtained results below expectations were samples with percentages of 5% and 6% pigments. Samples with 3% additive showed resistance close to theoretical values of 18, 25 and 40 MPa. The presence of biotite in the region's aggregates also may have contributed to the loss of strength of the concrete, due to its lamellar aspect, which demands more water and makes it difficult to incorporate the aggregates.</p> Cibele Aparecida De Moraes Rocha Gisele Monteiro de Sousa Antonio Jorge de Lima Gomes Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-11-01 2020-11-01 2 1 72 79 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.387 Selection of suspension geometry and analysis of its installation reason in a baja SAE prototype <p style="text-align: justify;">With the highlight of the automotive area in recent years, there was a need for more in-depth dynamic studies, as the demand for comfort and performance grew so, in this research UFVJM students by the Team Baja Espinhaço, explain how the suspension selection method for a Baja-type off-road vehicle does fabricate and the analyses carried out to ensure a better choice, considering how this can actuate on the prototype performance and showing how important is the learned theory in the classroom when applied to a project.</p> Bernardo de Oliveira Samari Silva Elidaiany Silva Santos Fernando Eduardo Cavalcante Filho Luiz Gustavo Batista Figueredo Naubert Mendes Silva Vinícius Antônio Campos Souza Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-11-01 2020-11-01 2 1 80 83 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.388 Biojewel making: an economical and sustainable alternative <p style="text-align: justify;">Handicrafts can be defined as “a complex of activities of a manual nature, through which man manifests spontaneous creativity” (Lemos, 2011). In this context, Vale do Jequitinhonha and Mucuri, especially the city of Diamantina-MG, finds a vast field of artisanal work, as a form of income for the poorest populations. Thus, it is in this scenario that biojewels are found as a way of promoting sustainability and valuing Brazilian culture. In view of this, the Tutorial Education Program (PET) created the project Making biojewelry: An economical and sustainable alternative. The objective was to offer activities capable of training participants (short courses, lectures, visits to needy communities) for making biojewels, with products extracted in a sustainable way from nature. It is noteworthy that this process was done as a tool for the search for the reduction of retentions and evasions in the context of UFVJM. The results obtained with the project are undoubtedly beneficial for student participants from a human, social, educational, empathic and economic point of view, mainly related to the conscious use of natural resources. Regarding the issue of decreased retention and evasion, the results are modest, but positive. Thus, it can be concluded that the involvement in the elaboration and creation of handicrafts using natural products, such as biojewels, can contribute positively to the university student and to the community outside the university in order to contribute to the formation of critical, human and preservation of natural resources.</p> Maria Carolina Santos Adeilson Roger da Silva Flaviana Tavares Vieira Teixeira Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-11-01 2020-11-01 2 1 84 91 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.389 Evaluation of the life cycle and the use of recyclable materials in paving <p style="text-align: justify;">Paving Engineering can be responsible for a considerable part of the environmental impact on infrastructure and construction projects. As a result, sustainability once again becomes a key research theme. This article aims to raise sustainable aspects related to LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), and its use in paving with recycled materials. With the increasingly frequent use of recycled or even reused materials, it is necessary to establish methodologies to quantify the level of sustainability of a product/process. Thus, results can be obtained that go beyond the life of the pavement, allowing a better understanding of the negative impacts, such as the energy demand involved in the construction, operation, and maintenance of the track. In addition, through weightings about each impact (environmental, social, and economic) it is possible to have better decision-making, as well as better optimization of applicable resources. The LCA allows the determination of a sustainability factor, being able to consider parities in the weightings, that is, 33.33% for each assessed impact (social, environmental, and economic). Or allocate 50% for environmental impact and 25% for social and economic impacts. A consideration is possible in which 50% weighting is adopted for economic impact and 25% for social and environmental impacts. This factor allows for better decision making, allowing to assess the pillar of greatest interest.</p> Gledsa Alves Vieira Rafael Ferreira Kunert Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-11-01 2020-11-01 2 1 92 101 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.390 Accounting Balance Matrix: An Assessment of the National Situation in Brazil <p style="text-align: justify;">The Accounting Balances matrix was prepared in 2017, coming into force in 2018 for the Federal Union, States and Federal District. This article analyzes the situation of Brazilian municipalities in relation to the sending of accounting, tax and budgetary information through the layout defined for the Accounting Balance Matrix. Accountability is mandatory for all federal entities: Union, States, Federal District and Municipalities, being forwarded to the National Treasury Secretariat (NTS). The justification for this research is due to the fact that the non-delivery of the matrix would imply responsibilities and penalties, such as the blocking of resources for the municipality, besides being a relevant theme in the control of public accounts. It can be observed that, given the percentages presented, there is a default among the municipalities of the federation in general. The results show a situation of imbalance between the municipalities of the federation and those that performed (or not) the accountability of the Accounting Balance Matrix.</p> Antônio Pereira de Oliveira Carlos Alberto Mirez Tarrillo Alan da Silva Oliveira Bruno Francisco Silva Nathalia Stockler Fialho Soares Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-11-01 2020-11-01 2 1 102 112 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.391 Fourier Series solutions for deflection analysis on simply supported beams subjected to distributed loads <p style="text-align: justify;">This article presents a study of the Fourier Series Method in the one-dimensional analysis of the elastic line and bending moment of a simply supported beam submitted to a distributed load. The analysis of deformation is an important procedure in Structural Engineering. The method was applied to three different types of distributed loads: one uniform and two triangular. The results were obtained from the representation of the elastic line of a beam simply supported through a Fourier Series. From the manipulation of beam equations and Fourier Series, graphs with different amounts of terms were plotted in the Series for deflection, bending moment and loading. These graphs were more clearly represented through tables. Evaluating the method, by comparing with the analytical method of successive integrations, it was concluded that the Fourier Series method provides very satisfactory results in the deflection analysis of this type of beams.</p> Daniel Tanure Franco Dutra Carlos Alberto Mirez Tarrillo Zenon José Guzman del Prado Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-11-01 2020-11-01 2 1 113 122 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.392 Toxicological Evaluation by Aluminum in Patients Submitted to Hemodialysis with a Focus on Water Quality <p style="text-align: justify;">Ensuring water quality is extremely important for human health. In hemodialysis, for example, the water is used to produce the dialysis solution, therefore, it is necessary to ensure the chemical and microbiological quality of the water through the monitoring and maintenance from equipments to provide improvements in the life condition of the chronic renal patient, in addition to reducing the hospitalizations and comorbidities. Ensuring the quality of water for human consumption is also extremely important, since water unfit for consumption can lead to the accumulation of inorganic contaminants, especially in people with kidney failure and chronic kidney disease. Considering the importance of ensuring water quality, this work, under development, aims to evaluate the toxicological exposure of the chemical element aluminum in patients who made treatment of hemodialysis in a macroregional hospital unit from the Vale do Mucuri and Jequitinhonha, and correlate her with the water quality.</p> Pedro Henrique Braun Duque Jairo Lisboa Rodrigues Márcia Cristina da Silva Faria Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-11-01 2020-11-01 2 1 123 126 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.393 Study happened pathologies in segments of electrical and hydrosanitary installations at UFVJM (Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys) - Mucuri campus <p style="text-align: justify;">The installations of water, sewage and energy systems arose from population's necessity in comfort and life quality, becoming crucial over the time. The term "pathology" is used in civil engineering as a way to characterise any building issues, which be caused by numerous factors. This work identify and study happened pathologies in several segments of electrical and hydrosanitary installations at UFVJM (Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys) - Mucuri campus. The analysis was based on local architectural plants, photographic and visual observations in addition to users interviews (students and university employees). From that and supported by bibliographic studies, were identified nonconformities in the facilities. In the classroom pavilion, the most critical building, around 50% area of the toilet bowls and 30% of the washbasins leaks were found, in addition to the 60% of the drains where there was no grid. In the electricity sector, all outlets were outside Brazilian standards and only 35% were in conditions of use. Considering the electrical and hydrosanitary systems importance, building influence and through the pathology amount founded at several segments in the building installations during the study, its considered important to make interventions to solve the problems encountered, because if they are poorly executed or used, these equipments and installations lose their main functions, beyond to bringing discomfort and health risks to users.</p> Indira Gandhi Almeida Rocha Iara Ferreira de Rezende Costa Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-11-01 2020-11-01 2 1 127 132 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.394 Applicability and satisfaction profile of two online courses offered by the Construção + project <p style="text-align: justify;">The use of digital technologies as a tool for higher education has gained enormous relevance due to the need for the expansion of knowledge beyond the physical boundaries of the institutions. Understanding this context, the extension project "Construção +", developed at the Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys stood out in the production of four online courses, offered to society during the period of the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The objective of this study was to analyse the applicability of the courses “Photovoltaic System Design Basics” and “Fire Fighting and Prevention Design” and draw a profile of the students' satisfaction. In the registration phase, the interested parties answered a questionnaire with 13 questions related to the profile of the courseist, such as academic training, state that resides, profession and how he knew the project. In the final phase, a satisfaction survey with 34 questions was made available to the students, in order to assess both the applicability of the courses and the technical requirements. From the registration questionnaire, only two questions were selected for analysis and, from the satisfaction survey, 12 questions were selected, totaling 14 questions. From the first questionnaire it can be concluded that, in total terms, more than 80% of the students have completed higher education, in addition 65% of these identified themselves as engineering students. From the satisfaction survey, can be seen that more than 50% of the students considered that the courses contribute to the expansion of learning. Facing the obtained responses from those who managed to complete the courses, it was found that the results were satisfactory, both in relation to the applicability and the satisfaction of the students. Finally, it was verified that the courses offered by the "Constução +" project are a unique alternative for the acquisition of different knowledge, as a complement to face-to-face teaching.</p> Lorena Lehmann Alves Kímberly Moreira de Souza Isabela Rodrigues Magalhães Júlia Maria de Oliveira Khoury Patricia Soares Borges Iara Ferreira de Rezende Costa Luan Brioschi Giovanelli Francisco César Dalmo Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-11-01 2020-11-01 2 1 133 142 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.395 Sustainable development in rainwater reuse: a proposal for dimensioning a tank at the UFVJM, Campus Mucuri <p style="text-align: justify;">Urbanization is an impact of great importance and relevance to society, but population growth, land occupation and climatic phenomena have exacerbated the challenges of water supply around the world. The use of rainwater for non-potable purposes is an alternative that can be adopted in regions where there is a poor distribution of rainfall per year. This work aims to study the sizing of rainwater reservoirs for non-potable purposes at the Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM), campus Mucuri. Therefore, a survey of data on the volume of abstraction was carried out, rainfall data and project characteristics were obtained. After obtaining the results, the choice of the 300 m³ reservoir volume was defined, since this volume shows the proximity between the Rippl and Simulation methods. The study on the use of rainwater for non-potable use (cleaning and irrigation) allowed the establishment of a water saving potential of 20%, meeting the expected annual demand, indicating that the implementation of this system is a viable alternative.</p> Rafaelle Mendes e Fernandes Daniela Rocha Cordeiro Álefe Tarcio Silva de Jesus Alcino de Oliveira Costa Neto Rafael Alvarenga Almeida Jakelyne Viana Coelho Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-11-03 2020-11-03 2 1 143 151 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.396 Initial results of two module online courses III of the Construction + Extension Project <p style="text-align: justify;">The objective of this work was to promote the training of professionals and students in the field of civil construction and the like by offering online courses. The courses offered were “Real Estate Financing and Project Approval in City Halls” and “Mapping and Management of Risk Areas: Floods, Inundation and Slides on Slopes”, whose themes were chosen according to their relevance to complement the training of the target audience. The courses were offered in two different periods and were available for 7 days. The courses were published on the social networks Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, among others. In order for the course participants to obtain the certificate of completion of the course, it was necessary to meet three requirements: 1) Attend 100% of the classes; 2) Present at least 70% in the technical exam; and 3) Complete the satisfaction form. With the results obtained, it can be said that Module III of the Construction +Project reached a large number of course participants, since both courses had more than 700 and 400 registered, for the first and second periods, respectively. In general, about 35% of those registered met the prerequisites mentioned for obtaining the certificate. In relation to the satisfaction survey, about 50% of the students considered the professional contribution of the courses from medium to high.</p> Thais Mayara Rodrigues Gomes Karolayne Gonçalves Cota Isamara Coelho Neves Dayanne Caldeira Martins Júlia Araújo Camargo Alcino de Oliveira Costa Neto Camila Cordeiro de Oliveira Thâmara Vieira Nepomucena Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-11-03 2020-11-03 2 1 152 159 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.397 Electrical resistivity survey combining multiple electrode arrays applied to the studies of underground dams <p style="text-align: justify;">Groundwater resources are of paramount importance in sustainable economic development in semiarid regions, such as that in municipally of Jenipapo de Minas, southeast Brazil. The focus of the present work is on realization of geophysical studies using merged electrode arrays in the same profile to study the site suitable for the construction of underground dam in the Bolas Stream bed. The measurements were made along a profile cutting across that local intermittent stream bed. A combining multiple electrode arrays was applied in the profile survey to increase the input data. The results obtained indicate that the subsurface lithologic sequences of the study area are characterized by low resistivity soil layers (&gt; 800Ωm) overlying basement rocks of higher resistivity (&gt; 1000Ωm). There seems to be no fractures or seepages in the basement rock of the Bolas stream bed. In other hand, in the left bank of the stream was identify a conductivity anomaly that could be caused by a fractured in the crystalline rock. However, there is no connection between with the anomaly with the stream bed. The results of merged multiple electrode arrays in the single profile has been found to be useful in understanding the characteristics of resistivity profiles. Thus, the results indicate the surveyed site as a potential for the construction of underground dam in the study area.</p> Jorge Luiz dos Santos Gomes Fábio Pinto Vieira Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-11-03 2020-11-03 2 1 160 165 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.398 Editorial Team and Contents Volume 2 <p>Editorial Team and Contents.</p> Jorge Luiz dos Santos Gomes Antônio Jorge de Lima Gomes Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-10-31 2020-10-31 2 1 I IV Editorial to the second issue of International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology <p>Editorial to the second issue of International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology.</p> Antônio Jorge de Lima Gomes Jorge Luiz dos Santos Gomes Copyright (c) 2020 International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology 2020-10-31 2020-10-31 2 1 V V