Relation between use and occupation of soil and water quality in Mucuri’s basin



Water Quality Index, Use and occupation of soil, Mucuri river basin


Knowing the characteristics of water bodies, especially those that directly attend the population, is essential to maintain parameters of water quality. Antropic action and soil properties directly interfere in the quality of water bodies. In order to recognize and identify water quality, the Minas Gerais Water Management Institute evaluates 9 parameters that, analyzed, give rise to the Water Quality Index, which translates in an objective way to the authorities and public the influence of development processes on the environmental dynamics of aquatic environments (IGAM, 2017). Based on this, this study seeks to compare information from the IQA of the Mucuri River Basin with the use and occupation of soil in this region, in order to identify the influence of soil use on water quality. It was observed better values of IQA for regions near forest areas and a negative impact on the IQA caused by the presence of the main urban center of the Mucuri Basin.


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Como Citar

Barbosa, A. L. G. ., Santos, L. V. dos, Metzker, M. C. R. M., Almeida, R. A. e Pinto, D. B. F. (2024) “Relation between use and occupation of soil and water quality in Mucuri’s basin”, International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology, 1(1), p. 17–20. isponível em: (cessado: 18 outubro 2024).