Selection of suspension geometry and analysis of its installation reason in a baja SAE prototype




Suspension Project, Baja SAE, Adams/Car


With the highlight of the automotive area in recent years, there was a need for more in-depth dynamic studies, as the demand for comfort and performance grew so, in this research UFVJM students by the Team Baja Espinhaço, explain how the suspension selection method for a Baja-type off-road vehicle does fabricate and the analyses carried out to ensure a better choice, considering how this can actuate on the prototype performance and showing how important is the learned theory in the classroom when applied to a project.


Lisboa, L.M., Rodrigues, M.C.S.W. and Felipe, R.M., 2018. Metodologia de desenvolvimento do Sistema de suspensão para um protótipo Baja SAE. College. Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca. Available at: <> [Accessed 1 October 2020].

Milliken, W. and Milliken, D., 1995. Suspension Geometry. pp.607-661, (Editora) SAE – Society of Automotive. Race Car Vehicle Dynamics. Seward, D., 2014. Race Car Design. London.

SAE – Society of Automotive, 2019. Regulamento Administrativo e Técnico BAJA SAE Brasil. SAE Brasil, São Paulo, SP.




Como Citar

Silva , B. de O. S., Santos, E. S., Cavalcante Filho , F. E. ., Figueredo, L. G. B. ., Silva, N. M. e Souza, V. A. C. (2020) “Selection of suspension geometry and analysis of its installation reason in a baja SAE prototype”, International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology, 2(1), p. 80–83. doi: 10.70597/ijget.v2i1.388.

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