Municipal clipping on Southeast and Southwest, Parana State: relationship between social and economic factors with deforestation in the Araucaria Forest?
deforestation, araucaria forest, population dynamic, socioeconomic factorsAbstract
Is it possible to identify deforestation causes in Araucaria Forest based on social and economic factors? Are these factors equivalent in driving deforestation within areas with different deforestation rates? To answer these questions we evaluate two regions
within Parana State. The first region had almost no deforested area whereas the second one had around 15,000 ha of deforestation identified from 2000 to 2010. The factors were correlated with deforestation estimated on a municipality basis. After, we used the
Hierarchical Cluster Analysis to aggregate variables within similar clusters. For the first region (with almost no deforested areas), results showed no significant relationship between factors and observed deforestation. On the other hand, deforestation rates for the second region presented strong correlation with social and economic factors, following this order of relevance. More specifically, deforestation rates showed to be strongly correlated with agricultural activities and forest activities.
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