Morphometry of crown and stem of the urban arborization in São João Evangelista-MG, Brazil


  • Isadora Azevedo Perpétuo
  • Bruno Oliveira Lafetá
  • Ivan da Costa Ilhéu Fontan
  • Jonathan da Rocha Miranda
  • Diego dos Santos Vieira
  • Letícia Caldeira Aguiar
  • Carlos Henrique Lopes Ribeiro



sigmoidal curve, urban landscape, interdimensional relationship, regression


Scientific investigations about morphometry of tree crown and stem support the planning and management of urban afforestation, important for environmental sustainability of cities. This work aimed to evaluate the efficiency of modeling morphometric relationships of crown and stem in urban afforestation in São João Evangelista municipality - MG, Brazil, using nonlinear regression models. Afforestation inventory consisted of the random sampling of trees in different streets and public squares in the municipality. Total height, crown insertion height, diameter at ground height, proportion and crown projection area increased as the stems became thicker. Decrease with the increase in DBH was observed only for the salience index and slenderness rate. Nonlinear regression models can estimate morphometric relationships accurately. Information on tree morphometric growth stock trends at total height, crown insertion height, projection area and crown radius are useful for defining the ideal planting location in urban areas and eventual silvicultural interventions.


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How to Cite

Perpétuo, I. A. ., Lafetá, B. O. ., Fontan, I. da C. I. ., Miranda, J. da R. ., Vieira, D. dos S. ., Aguiar, L. C. ., & Ribeiro, C. H. L. . (2024). Morphometry of crown and stem of the urban arborization in São João Evangelista-MG, Brazil. evista Espinhaço, 13(1).


