Geodiversity in the Conservation Unit of Serra do Cipo National Park (MG)


  • Adriana Lacerda de Brito



management plan, environment, ecosystem


Nowadays, the concept of Geodiversity becomes fundamental in the organization and elaboration of environmental conservation measures all over the world. The concept is even more relevant in Brazil, whose territory is characterized by natural diversity and beauty. This work investigates the Management Plan of the Serra do Cipo National Park in order to verify whether it considers the Geodiversity notion in its legislation. This approach and its normative focus take into account the effective and permanent actions of the document. In this study, we analyze the Management Plan by investigating the dialect analysis of the concept of Geodiversity.


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How to Cite

Brito, A. L. de. (2015). Geodiversity in the Conservation Unit of Serra do Cipo National Park (MG). evista Espinhaço, 4(2).


