Agroclimatic zoning of crops with energy potential in the state of Minas Gerais
agroclimatic zoning, biomass, energy potential, Atlas of Biomass, Minas GeraisAbstract
The development and adoption of highly efficient technologies to maximize the exploitation of renewable sources of clean energy are crucial for reducing environmental impacts and the amount of secondary wastes. Increased process efficiency ensures the sustainability of energy supply based on current and future levels of economic and social demands. The present study makes an exploratory analysis based on the agroclimatic zoning of the main agricultural crops of the state of Minas Gerais, presenting, in the form of maps, the results found by type of biomass. The agroclimatic zoning of the potential crops for energy production in Minas Gerais is the result of the interaction between the climatological variables and the specific parameters of the crops. Considering the physical, environmental and socioeconomic diversity of Minas Gerais, the accomplishment of the agroclimatic zoning to identify the zones with greater aptitude for the production of biomass proved fundamental to subsidize the energy production policies in the state.
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